Sunday, February 26, 2012

The first day

Hey folks,

Today February 26, 2012, is the first day of my blog, excited, scared, but proud that I took the initiative to start something new.  So kudos to me!!!!!!!!,  lol.  

The proper thing is to introduce myself, here it goes:

My name is Elizabeth Rodriguez from the Bronx, New York, born and raised here all 55 years of my life well for a brief year I tried to live in Puerto Rico, not for me I am a new yorker through and through. 

I am a mom of 4 children my youngest niki become 20 yesterday, and my oldest Junior is 34, and the two middle kids Andrea 31 and Jonathan 23.  I have 4 grandkids 2 boys 2 girls.  I am blessed to have had my children, they have kept me grounded and responsible,  and I thank God for them each and every day.

 My children are the best and worst part of me; and Yes I have to give thanks to three past parnters for the helping me in creating them lol, So were emotional...tempers are running high and low every second, lol not always bad folks, not always bad, lol.  But one thing is certain we love, no we ADORE each other, even if they don't do it so openly. 

I have a dog named winnie, I love winnie the pooh, yeah old me loves winnie the pooh, she is a mix from a pit bull my son's dog Bullet and my daughter's dog Sammy whom is a carin eskimo terrier  winnie looks like a terrier she is white with an brown spots including one on her right eye. I adore my baby, she sleeps with me and follows me around everywhere around the apartment. Well she belongs to my granddaughter and she is going to take her when she moves out. We will see at least I could visit. lol.

Well, 2012 for me is going to be about improvement in all arenas of my life, I have already started on the sprititual one, well some, still trying and not giving up.  Still searching for a job, have an appointment for some additional training to upgrade my skills, adminstrative. 

Glad that we have been blessed here in the eastcoast with great weather, it has snowed only once, but scary at the same time of the weird weather. What does it mean? Whats going on? What are we doing to our planet? I wonder how we can REALLY become a green planet and turn back the damage we have create this beautiful planet.

Perphaps the people running in office or trying to get into it, should instead of talking about each others character traits should be more concern with these things, I am just putting it out there. 

Well, thats it for now, be back soon. luv you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and be good to everyone, yes everyone including yourself!

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